Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Free Essays on Print Vs. Press
Print vs. Press In today’s elections the Media is one of the biggest influences in most elections. Throughout the years the Media has changed quiet a bit. As in most cases, today’s technology has revolutionized the Media and the way we get our information. Not only do we hear about elections through the media, we learn of updated news pertaining to our everyday lives. There are two types of Media that presents different stimuli, which vary substantially from nature to content. The two types are the Printing press and the Electronic press. Both play major roles in educating and informing our nation. The Print media is best known for it’s â€Å"excel in conveying factual details (graber189).†Graber goes on to add that the print media is generally credited with conveying more knowledge that audiovisual media does. One Critic by the name of Neil Postman says that if our nation is exposed to too much television, we might turn into a nation of dilettantes who avoid the serious issues of the world. I think that we are seeing some of that now. Look at Clinton for example, our media has not been as involved in how well our country has been doing. Rather the media is steady telling the nation who he sleeps with and what he has for breakfast. On the contrary, the newspapers and so on are giving us facts. They are telling us more about the health care reform, and about issues over seas. We as a nation need to care more about our country and set aside some of our amusement. One on the major down falls of the printing press is that, most times the news we read is tha t of old news. If there is an attack in Russia on Wednesday, then it will not be until Thursday or Friday until we read it in the paper. Another example is that of Time magazine. Subscribers of Time usually receive their magazine a week or two later that the latest news. I think that the printing press is for the more informative group and should not be left i... Free Essays on Print Vs. Press Free Essays on Print Vs. Press Print vs. Press In today’s elections the Media is one of the biggest influences in most elections. Throughout the years the Media has changed quiet a bit. As in most cases, today’s technology has revolutionized the Media and the way we get our information. Not only do we hear about elections through the media, we learn of updated news pertaining to our everyday lives. There are two types of Media that presents different stimuli, which vary substantially from nature to content. The two types are the Printing press and the Electronic press. Both play major roles in educating and informing our nation. The Print media is best known for it’s â€Å"excel in conveying factual details (graber189).†Graber goes on to add that the print media is generally credited with conveying more knowledge that audiovisual media does. One Critic by the name of Neil Postman says that if our nation is exposed to too much television, we might turn into a nation of dilettantes who avoid the serious issues of the world. I think that we are seeing some of that now. Look at Clinton for example, our media has not been as involved in how well our country has been doing. Rather the media is steady telling the nation who he sleeps with and what he has for breakfast. On the contrary, the newspapers and so on are giving us facts. They are telling us more about the health care reform, and about issues over seas. We as a nation need to care more about our country and set aside some of our amusement. One on the major down falls of the printing press is that, most times the news we read is tha t of old news. If there is an attack in Russia on Wednesday, then it will not be until Thursday or Friday until we read it in the paper. Another example is that of Time magazine. Subscribers of Time usually receive their magazine a week or two later that the latest news. I think that the printing press is for the more informative group and should not be left i...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
If You Could Hire a Screenwriter from Hollywood Whom to Steer Clear of
If You Could Hire a Screenwriter from Hollywood Whom to Steer Clear of If You Could Hire a Screenwriter from Hollywood: Whom to Steer Clear of? Imagine you are in a film school and have an idea for a movie so you want to hire a screenwriter from Hollywood to write your movie. You have always dreamed of directing a film and premià ¨ring in the Sundance festival. Which Hollywood screenwriter would you pick? We have compiled a list of 4 Hollywood screenwriters who we would avoid and why. Although these screenwriters are popular and accomplished, each has their own idiosyncrasies or over the top qualities that make them the wrong fit for your film. 1. Kevin Smith To the innumerable mob of followers, Kevin Smith is known and loved for his matchless style of lowbrow humor, bathroom jokes and obsession with comic books. Perhaps he is so popular because so many teenage boys can relate to him, pot heads feel validated by his films, or no deep thinking is needed to have a laugh at one of his movies. There is something to be said for making things very simple and easy to access, it is a formula that works. But, unless your dream film involves cheesy, try-hard antics and copious sex jokes, perhaps you should pass on Smith as your Hollywood dream screenwriter. 2. David Lynch David Lynch has a trademark style that is all his own. He is a great screenwriter, but having him write your screenplay would be like taking Michael Jackson’s moonwalk and passing it off on your own. Lynch has a great style, it’s just that it belongs to him alone. His technique involves mystery, oddities and at times, an element of the psychopath. His films and shows sometimes contain open endings leaving the viewer free to make their own interpretations. 3. Quentin Tarantino Trarantino films leave us feeling disturbed, entertained, thoughtful and nostalgic all at the same time. Tarantino films often indulge in and glorify graphic violence that distracts from the film. The brutality leaves an impression, but, it is not favorable. Despite that Tarantino has another trademark quality. The dialog between characters in his films is hypnotizing. He makes the most banal subject read like poetry. It really is magic. But very few people can make this type of dialog work, so its best left to Tarantino. 4. Slavoj iÃ… ¾ek iÃ… ¾ek is a psychoanalytic philosopher, Marxist, critic of capitalism and neoliberalism, political radical and a film critic to name a few of the hats he wears. His views philosophy and beliefs are all over the place. While he is expressive and charismatic, his talk and ideas can be incoherent leaving the viewer, or reader overwhelmed. He utter opinions about psychological traits of films without offering references, and he descends into monologues without trying to be understood, and invents symbolism where none actually exists. You might look for a more coherent screenwriter if you want your movie to be well received. So, let us know what you think. Which Hollywood screenwriter would you choose, or pass on, and why?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Friendship in William Shakespeare's Timon of Athens Research Paper
Friendship in William Shakespeare's Timon of Athens - Research Paper Example The presentation of male friendship in the play has attained serious critical attention and the readers are able to recognize that Timon’s investment in his male friends and his loss of friends symbolized by his vanished gold are central to the ideas of friendship in the Renaissance. It is fundamental to maintain that gold in the play is the essential instrument of ‘friendship’ and it takes the place of the phallus, which is not only the phallus as absence, castration, or fear of feminine, and maternal power. As Karen Newman maintains, â€Å"Timon of Athens’s world of male/male love and passionate friendship speaks through Plutarch and the ‘wild’ figure of Alcibiages, whose relation with Timon and his phallic, golden gifts adumbrates another view of Jacobean gift giving.†(Newman, 387) This paper undertakes a reflective exploration of the conventions of friendship in William Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens in relation to the ideas o f friendship in the Renaissance in order to demonstrate how the conventions of friendship in the play are connected with Renaissance ideas of friendship.One of the major concerns of the studies in Renaissance literature has been to investigate the link between the conventions of friendship in the literary works and ideas of friendship in Renaissance. William Shakespeare is a dramatist who has dealt extensively with the conventions of friendship all through his literary career, by means of his sonnets, long poems, comedies, tragedies, romances, and histories. Significantly, the theme of friendship has been a central concern of the playwright and his famous works personify the theme of friendship through the friendship of Hamlet and Horatio in Hamlet, Rosalind and Celia in As You Like It, and Hal and Falstaff in the Henry IV plays. Therefore, it is an indisputable fact that Shakespeare’s plays deal with the theme of friendship and it is substantiated by his iconographic represe ntation of false friendship in his late tragedy The Life of Timon of Athens. One of the most essential aspects of the concept of friendship as presented in this play is that Shakespeare presents it in contrast to the existing ideas of friendship in the Renaissance. As Graham Hammill observes, â€Å"While humanist models of male friendship emphasize the equality of friendships and the permanence of the bonds between them, early modern English drama stages friendship as exactly the opposite.†(Hammill, 924) Therefore, it is fundamental to comprehend that Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens provides a contrasting idea of friendship to the prevalent conventions of friendship during the Renaissance. One of the distinguishing features of the representation of friendship in Shakespearean plays, especially Timon of Athens, is the fact that they reflect the general method in Renaissance literature to represent friendship (frequently between males) in opposition to love and heterosexu al union in marriage. Timon of Athens is a play which deals exclusively with the theme of
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Earthquakes in the media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Earthquakes in the media - Essay Example A good example of induced susceptibility to earthquake due to plates moving past each other is the San Andreas Fault in California (Hough 25- 27). Earthquakes are fast and unexpected motions of the earth’s surface and are a result of seismic forces. These forces emerge from specifit points and their immediate effects are experienced at the epicenter. Such forces also occurs in oceans, in which case they result in tsunamis. Earthquakes have adverse effects on the environment that extent to effects on human beings and their activities. Its physical destruction of structures and buildings, for example, may leads to crumbles over people and other property and therefore lead to physical injury, deaths, or even morbidity. In addition, earthquakes may destroy property and therefore create economic loss. Effects of physical injuries and associated emotional instability may also transfer the negative effects on economic activities and economic potentials. consequently, an understanding of trends in occurrence for forecasting risk of earthquakes and communication thereof is necessary for well being. Earthquake Early warning System (EEWS) is one of the tools for ensuring the well being. It ensures development of information on possible risk occurrence of earthquakes and communication of the information at the right time. the tool serves two primary roles, one of which is offering a strategy for mitigating disaster. Its key role is however to minimize associated perils with occurrence of earthquake and to facilitate proper response. The scope of EEWS involve development of information on risk of occurrence of earthquakes, assessment of the data, forecasting using the data, and communication of the predictions for coordinated response. These occurs in a sequence and an inefficiency at one stage compromises the entire system. When
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Land Pollution Essay Example for Free
Land Pollution Essay Land pollution, in other words, means degradation or destruction of earth’s surface and soil, directly or indirectly as a result of human activities. Anthropogenic activities are conducted citing development, and the same affects the land drastically, we witness land pollution; by drastic we are referring to any activity that lessens the quality and/or productivity of the land as an ideal place for agriculture, forestation, construction etc. The degradation of land that could be used constructively in other words is land pollution. Land Pollution has led to a series of issues that we have come to realize in recent times, after decades of neglect. The increasing numbers of barren land plots and the decreasing numbers of forest cover is at an alarming ratio. Moreover the extension of cities and towns due to increasing population is leading to further exploitation of the land. Land fills and reclamations are being planned and executed to meet the increased demand of lands. This leads to further deterioration of land, and pollution caused by the land fill contents. Also due to the lack of green cover, the land gets affected in several ways like soil erosion occurs washing away the fertile portions of the land. Or even a landslide can be seen as an example. Causes of Land Pollution Below are the sources of land pollution: 1. Deforestation and soil erosion: Deforestation carried out to create dry lands is one of the major concerns. Land that is once converted into a dry or barren land, can never be made fertile again, whatever the magnitude of measures to redeem it are. Land conversion, meaning the alteration or modification of the original properties of the land to make it use-worthy for a specific purpose is another major cause. This hampers the land immensely. Also there is a constant waste of land. Unused available land over the years turns barren; this land then cannot be used. So in search of more land, potent land is hunted and its indigenous state is compromised with . 2. Agricultural activities: With growing human population, demand for food has increased considerably. Farmers often use highly toxic fertilizers and pesticides to get rid off insects, fungi and bacteria from their crops. However with the overuse of these chemicals, they result in contamination and poisoning of soil. 3. Mining activities: During extraction and mining activities, several land spaces are created beneath the surface. We constant hear about land caving in; this is nothing but nature’s way of filling the spaces left out after mining or extraction activity. 4. Overcrowded landfills: Each household produces tonnes of garbage each year. Garbage like aluminium, plastic, paper, cloth, wood is collected and sent to the local recycling unit. Items that can not be recycled become a part of the landfills that hampers the beauty of the city and cause land pollution. 5. Industrialization: Due to increase in demand for food, shelter and house, more goods are produced. This resulted in creation of more waste that needs to be disposed of. To meet the demand of the growing population, more industries were developed which led to deforestation. Research and development paved the way for modern fertilizers and chemicals that were highly toxic and led to soil contamination. 6. Construction activities: Due to urbanization, large amount of construction activities are taking place which has resulted in large waste articles like wood, metal, bricks, plastic that can be seen by naked eyes outside any building or office which is under construction. 7. Nuclear waste: Nuclear plants can produce huge amount of energy through nuclear fission and fusion. The left over radioactive material contains harmful and toxic chemicals that can affect human health. They are dumped beneath the earth to avoid any casualty. 8. Sewage treatment: Large amount of solid waste is leftover once the sewage has been treated. The leftover material is sent to landfill site which end up in polluting the environment. Effects of Land Pollution 1. Soil pollution: Soil pollution is another form of land pollution, where the upper layer of the soil is damaged. This is caused by the overuse of chemical fertilizers, soil erosion caused by running water and other pest control measures; this leads to loss of fertile land for agriculture, forest cover, fodder patches for grazing etc. 2. Change in climate patterns: The effects of land pollution are very hazardous and can lead to the loss of ecosystems. When land is polluted, it directly or indirectly affects the climate patterns. 3. Environmental Impact: When deforestation is committed, the tree cover is compromised on. This leads to a steep imbalance in the rain cycle. A disturbed rain cycle affects a lot of factors. To begin with, the green cover is reduced. Trees and plants help balance the atmosphere, without them we are subjected to various concerns like Global warming, the green house effect, irregular rainfall and flash floods among other imbalances. 4. Effect on human hea lth: The land when contaminated with toxic chemicals and pesticides lead to problem of skin cancer and human respiratory system. The toxic chemicals can reach our body through foods and vegetables that we eat as they are grown in polluted soil. 5. Cause Air pollution: Landfills across the city keep on growing due to increase in waste and are later burned which leads to air pollution. They become home for rodents, mice etc which in turn transmit diseases. 6. Distraction for Tourist: The city looses its attraction as tourist destination as landfills do not look good when you move around the city. It leads to loss of revenue for the state government. 7. Effect on wildlife: The animal kingdom has suffered mostly in the past decades. They face a serious threat with regards to loss of habitat and natural environment. The constant human activity on land, is leaving it polluted; forcing these species to move further away and adapt to new regions or die trying to adjust. Several species are pushed to the verge of extinction, due to no homeland. Other issues that we face include increased temperature, unseasonal weather activity, acid rains etc. The discharge of chemicals on land, makes it dangerous for the ecosystem too. These chemi cals are consumed by the animals and plants and thereby make their way in the ecosystem. This process is called bio magnification and is a serious threat to the ecology. Solutions for Land Pollution 1. Make people aware about the concept of Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. 2. Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural activities. 3. Avoid buying packages items as they will lead to garbage and end up in landfill site. 4. Ensure that you do not litter on the ground and do proper disposal of garbage. 5. Buy biodegradable products. 6. Do Organic gardening and eat organic food that will be grown without the use of pesticides. 7. Create dumping ground away from residential areas.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Good vs. Evil in John Steinbecks East of Eden :: East Eden Essays
Good vs. Evil in East of Eden "God saw that all he had created was very good. You are part of gods creation, and he is pleased with how he made you. If at times you feel worthless or of little value, remember that god made you for a good reason. You are valuable to him." ( Genesis 1:31) I believe that all things created are at first good. The Bible gives pages upon pages of quotes and stories on the battle of good versus evil, but in the story East of Eden we are given what might be the greatest question of it all, and that is if the main character Cathy a.k.a. Kate was born good or evil. Kate was born and brought up an only child. At first Kate was a normal child and no one thought anything of her. When she got a little bit older Kate began to do things other children wouldn't normally do. At one point she was caught in her Barn with two boys and her tied up. Her mother and father punished her for this and whipped her until she was good again. Kate was doing great things, she was doing things that made her look like a perfect child. One day though Kate made a plan to kill her parents by locking them in the house while she sets it on fire. Kate did this and immediately got out of town. This is when Kate made her and ended up with Adam Trask another main character. Adam fell in love with Kate and ended up marring her and moving into a ranch with her. Kate the whole time stayed silent and not very sociable. She became pregnant gave birth to twin boys. Right after the boys were born she went on a mad rampage and shot Adam in the shoulder and ran off to be a whore. She told Adam she was Evil and didn't want anything to do with him or the boys. Kate ran away to a whore house and there she tortured and blackmailed many important men in the community. These man could not stop coming back, as though she had some power over them. All the while Adam was home trying to deal with the heart break of Kate leaving and her almost killing him.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Alex and the Amazing Time Machine ?
Thank goodness I made it back in one piece. I have my brother and the world is happy again. Especially since Carl and Little Davy have been sent to the beginning of time. First, I’d like to say that I have finally and successfully finished building my time machine but there’s a story behind that: Psycho gave me this booster for the time machine to finally get it running. When I got home, I was pretty excited because I was sure that it was going to work. Unfortunately, it didn’t work. I was so frustrated and fell asleep with Scout in my arms. That same night, forgot to turn off the machine.Sometime between that and waking up this morning, my dog Scout disappeared. I was really scared and nervous but I had to go to school. Later that day, my school had a field trip to the museum. In the museum, we saw these dioramas of early man and I kept seeing this dog that looked an awful lot like Scout. I realized it was Scout and at that point it hit me that she might have go tten into the machine while I was sleeping and went back in time and became known as a â€Å"thoropulis†. The explanation behind the â€Å"thoropulis†was that it seemed to have always been searching for something or someone.My guess is that she was trying to get home. As my class was learning more and more about this â€Å"thoropulis†it hit me that it could only mean that the time machine actually worked! I was so excited to get back home because this meant one thing: I could travel in time and save my brother! When my class and I got back to the bus from the museum, the same white van that Carl and Little Davy drive turned up at the museum. Todd and I became super nervous because there was only one explanation as to why they were there: they were after me!Todd quickly hatched up a plan to distract Carl and Little Davy. He had the class get out of the bus to shield me from view. From that point, I ran back home and rushed to my room to activate the time machin e. By accident in panic, I set it two years in the future instead of setting it to six weeks in the past. Once I was zapped to the future, I found myself in my bedroom except things looked a little different and looked A LOT nicer. When I stepped outside the house to walk around town, I came upon a banner that said â€Å"Dalton Trumble Appreciation Day†. Wait what?There’s a holiday for my dad? It turned out he wrote a famous book called, â€Å"Alex and the Amazing Time Machine†. I stole one of the copies of the book from the future and brought it back to the past that way my father could actually write it. After that little adventure, it was time to save my brother Steven. I set the machine six weeks back in the past. After being zapped, I found myself in my bedroom again but this time I felt that there was a sense of cheeriness in the air that I hadn’t felt since Steven was taken. While I was on my way to the camp, I had to make sure that I wasn’ t seen.The one place I could hide in was the trunk of my dad’s car. I hid there because this was the same day my family went to the camp retreat, which is where Steven was taken. It was such an uncomfortable ride being squished in the trunk. When the car stopped, I snuck out of the trunk when my family wasn’t looking and grabbed a sleeping bag before closing it quietly. I went to a shed to collect some supplies that might come in handy to camp out in the woods to collect some strength and rest for what might be a dangerous mission. The next morning, I caught my fish for breakfast and was ready to save my brother.My plan however didn’t really work out. I saw Steven had already been taken by Carl and was on my way to get him until Little Davy captured me. We were both put into the van and were asked a bunch of questions. Steven sat quietly but was clearly scared because he had no idea of what was going on. I ended up answering all of the questions but not entirely truthfully. Unfortunately, they could tell when I was lying and it looked like they were prepared for it too because each time that I lied, they forced me to eat a forkful of worms that they had collected.By the time I answered all of the questions, I had eaten almost half of the plate of worms. YUCK! Next thing I knew, Carl had me and Steven tied up to trees and he had a gun that shot people into a universe similar to ours except the universe he was going to shoot us to had no way of escaping. All of a sudden, Todd showed up with a metal baseball bat in hand. You could only imagine the shock I had when I saw him. Not to mention the relief! Todd went straight for Carl and knocked his knees out. At that exact moment the gun was fired and hit a set of leaves.After Carl was on the ground moaning, Todd went straight to Little Davy and hit him in the knees as well. Once he was on the ground moaning like a baby, Todd ran to us untied us from the tree. We quickly tied up Carl and Little D avy and I used my time machine to open a portal to the beginning of time and sent them there. I closed the portal immediately so there would be no escape. I looked at Steven and explained that I had enough love for the both of us. I told him this because he always felt unloved. He was really happy to hear this and I received a great, big hug from my brother, which was really nice.Afterwards, I told him to come up with a silly story to explain to our parents as to why he was missing. When he left, I thanked Todd for coming back and being there to help rescue my brother and me. It turned out that Todd found my time machine that I had left in the present in my room when I left to go to the past. A few weeks later, Todd went missing and I thought it was happening all over again! Next thing I knew, he materialized himself in my bedroom holding a dog. Guess who that dog was. Yep! It was Scout! I gave them both a really big hug and thanked Todd for rescuing my dog.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Kingshaw’s Misery in I’m the King of the Castle Essay
Throughout the novel I’m the King of the Castle by Susan Hill, we are constantly aware of the misery felt by twelve-year-old Charles Kingshaw. This, and the way it is shown, is very important in really understanding his character, and what eventually leads him to his own death. Charles Kingshaw has a series of irrational fears. Although this is normal for most children, his fears are so crippling that they go far beyond the typical childish nightmare. An example of one of these fears is swimming pools. Early on in the book, Kingshaw recalls being taken to an open-air swimming pool by his father as a much younger child. He remembers how he had feared the water, not only because he couldn’t swim, but also because of its â€Å"glassy, artificial blueness†and how â€Å"people’s limbs looked huge and pale and swollen underneath.†He also fears the â€Å"terrible†moths in the Red Room at Warings, and is afraid of touching their â€Å"furry bodies†. Another fear he has is of crows. Even before he is attacked by the crow in the cornfield outside Warings, Kingshaw notes that it has â€Å"ragged black wings†and â€Å"small, glinting eyes†. He has to tell himself that it is â€Å"stupid to be scared of a rotten bird†. Later on, when Hooper puts the stuffed crow on his bed, he is â€Å"faint with fear†and wishes for his own death – even though he knows immediately that it is not real. This is just one example of the way Hooper exploits Kingshaw’s fears during the novel. When he brings Kingshaw to the Red Room to show him the moths, it seems he just wants to show off. But he immediately recognises that Kingshaw is afraid when, upon seeing the moths, when he â€Å"sharply†draws his breath. Hooper mocks him and orders him to touch one, and Kingshaw’s instinct is to fight as hard as he can – anything to avoid having to feel them. Hooper watches him and sees this, and runs out of the room, locking the door behind him. Later on, Hooper locks Kingshaw in the dark shed, leaving him to fantasize about murderers lurking in the shadows. Kingshaw thinks of Hooper as â€Å"clever†and â€Å"cunning†and thinks he will never be able to escape his endless persecution. He is â€Å"unbalanced†by the open hostility Hooper treats him with, and doesn’t know how to beat him. However, it would be possible for Kingshaw to beat Hooper. Physically, he is taller and is strong enough to give Hooper a bruise when they have their only fistfight, on their very first meeting, and bites him hard enough to make him withdraw when Hooper tries to intimidate Kingshaw on the stairs. Kingshaw would also have the capacity to beat Hooper in his mind games, if he only knew it; Hooper finds Kingshaw â€Å"frustrating†, and is â€Å"at a loss†to get past his â€Å"dull, steady stare†. His insults are very childish (â€Å"stupid head†; â€Å"scaredy-baby†), and Kingshaw even recognises that Hooper is â€Å"not very used to being a bully†. Yet Kingshaw is too and fatalistic, to see his own potential. Kingshaw’s fatalism is important in understanding his misery. His description of himself is very telling of his outlook on life: â€Å"He had no good opinion of his own chances, against Hooper. Or against anyone. He was not cowardly. Just realistic, hopeless. He did not give into people, just went, from the beginning, with the assurance that he would be beaten. It meant that there was no surprise, and no disappointment, about anything†. At many points in the novel, Kingshaw has moments of genuine happiness, in which he feels untouchable and in control. This is reflected in the title of the book itself, and in a later chapter in the book in which he actually climbs to the top of an ancient ruin of a castle. However, this euphoria never lasts, and he falls from his â€Å"castle†every time- all because of his own refusal to fight against what he feels is inevitability; Hooper will always beat him, he will never win. We see these moments of happiness and his sudden snap back to reality multiple times: when he discovers his secret room in Warings and Hooper finds it, so he decided to just let him in; when he ventures on his own into the woods and Hooper follows him; when he climbs up onto the tractor in the cornfield, feeling on top of the world, and gets stuck when dismounting it so he fears it will roll back an crush him. In the chapter in which he fearlessly climbs the castle whilst Hooper begs for help on a wall below him, Kingshaw feels that surge of power again: â€Å"I am the King†¦I could kill him.†But Kingshaw knows that he will not, knowing that â€Å"any power he acquired would only be temporary†. So he tries to help Hooper, and we, as readers, feel frustrated with his helplessness. Kingshaw’s mother does nothing to save her son from Hooper, or from his own fear. In fact, she contributes to his misery by determinedly trying to satisfy her own needs for money and companionship, and ignoring Kingshaw’s declarations of his hate for Hooper along the way. She asks him to â€Å"tell Mummy†if he is upset about anything, but when he tells her how much he dislikes Hooper she tells him it is â€Å"wicked†to say such things. Kingshaw is deeply ashamed of his mother, of her airs and pretences and the fact that she behaves â€Å"altogether without pride†. He knows he â€Å"ought to care about†¦his mother†but doesn’t. This is quite disturbing for a child to say, but it is understandable, as â€Å"she had never known anything about him†. This is proved by her remark to Mr Hooper about how â€Å"Charles is settling down so happily†at Warings. Charles is disgusted but is in no way surprised at her complete l ack of understanding. Susan Hill is very particular in the way she uses language to show Charles Kingshaw’s misery. The book is in third person narrative, mostly told from Kingshaw’s point of view, and often uses slightly naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve, childish language: â€Å"He felt absolutely alone, there might be no other person in the whole world.†There is also some informal language which pulls the reader into this child’s world, and endears us to him. An example of this is his thought that, â€Å"It always took longer than you expected, walking.†This makes us feel Kingshaw’s misery more during his moments of extreme terror. During these times the sentences get longer, punctuated by a series of commas, indicating a panicked, frantic train of thought: â€Å"He sweated a little, twisting this way and that, and reaching his left arm round behind him, to try and unhitch the string.†This clearly shows us his raw, desperate fear. Rather than using lots of emotive, descriptive narration, which could detract focus from Kingshaw’s character, the writer has us experience I’m the King of the Castle through Charles Kingshaw’s feelings, experiences and memories. This is very effective as it lets us become more and more involved in Kingshaw’s character; our attachment to him builds up into a climax throughout the novel until he ultimately commits suicide. When this happens our hopes fall as Kingshaw did so many times before and does now, one final time.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Synthesis Writing Steps
Synthesis Writing Steps Synthesis Writing Steps Synthesis Writing Steps Useful tips writtenby custom essay writing company: Thoroughly read each of your sources and look up anything that you dont understand. Notate or write out the main ideas in each source: Review the main ideas for each source and start to determine how they relate to each other. The following questions can help you make this determination: Do the ideas in the sources support each other or contradict each other? Do the ideas in the sources form a cause-and-effect relationship? Do the ideas in one source explain or exemplify the ideas in another source? Do the ideas in one source pick up where the ideas in another source end? Do the sources examine the same topic from different perspectives? Choose how you want to use the information in the sources. Thinking about the following questions can help you decide: Can I use the information to explain something? Can I use the information to prove something? Can I show how the sources contradict each other or present different perspectives? Can I explain the significance of the information? Can I use the information to support my own experience or observation You may either paraphrase (state the ideas of your sources in your own words) or quote the material. In either case, make sure you use the correct documentation style to give credit to your sources. The writer of a synthesis, then, starts with a clear thesis in the introductory paragraph and identifies the essays main idea. Then, the writer makes sure to credit the sources he or she consulted by including the writers name and essays title. The writer then undergoes a similar process when a paraphrase of a sources ideas is used. Finally, the conclusion offers a complete summary of the argument. Popular posts: Term Papers and Report Outline for a Term Paper Long Term Paper 10 Pages Biology Term Paper Student Research Paper
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Simple Conjugations for the French Verb, Ouvrir, Meaning to Open
Simple Conjugations for the French Verb, 'Ouvrir,' Meaning 'to Open' The French verb ouvrir means to open. It is an irregular -ir verb. Conjugating irregular French verbs can difficult for most students, but there is some good news: There are distinct patterns in the conjugations of irregular -ir verbs, which French grammarians have anointed le troisià ¨me groupe (the third group). So while there are roughly 50 irregular French -ir verbs, these shared patterns mean that you will only have to learn about 16 conjugations. Conjugating Irregular -ir verbs There are three groups of irregular -ir verbs. The verb ouvrir falls into the second group, which consists of verbs that end in -llir, -frir, or -vrir. Almost all are conjugated like regular French -er verbs. In addition to ouvrir, this group includes the following verbs, plus their derivatives: Couvrir  to cover Cueillir  to pick  Dà ©couvrir to discoverEntrouvrir  to half-openOffrir  to offer Recueillir  to collectRecouvrir  to recover, concealRouvrir  to reopen Souffrir  to suffer Conjugating Ouvrir With regular -ir verb conjugations, the stem remains intact; in irregular -ir verb conjugations, by contrast, the stem does not remain intact throughout. The conjugations below include the passà © composà ©, meaning the perfect tense, and the passà © simple, the simple past. The passà © composà ©Ã‚ is the most common French past tense, often used in conjunction with the imperfect. The passà © simple, which can also be translated into English as the preterite, is also used alongside the imperfect. You will probably never need to use the passà © simple, but it is important to recognize it, especially if you read many French fiction or nonfiction works. Present Future Imperfect Present participle j ouvre ouvrirai ouvrais ouvrant tu ouvres ouvriras ouvrais il ouvre ouvrira ouvrait nous ouvrons ouvrirons ouvrions vous ouvrez ouvrirez ouvriez ils ouvrent ouvriront ouvraient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle ouvert Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive j ouvre ouvrirais ouvris ouvrisse tu ouvres ouvrirais ouvris ouvrisses il ouvre ouvrirait ouvrit ouvrt nous ouvrions ouvririons ouvrmes ouvrissions vous ouvriez ouvririez ouvrtes ouvrissiez ils ouvrent ouvriraient ouvrirent ouvrissent Imperative (tu) ouvre (nous) ouvrons (vous) ouvrez Verb conjugation pattern Ouvrir is an irregular verb All French verbs that end in -frir or -vrir are conjugatedthis way. Using Ouvrir There is probably no better use for the word ouvrir than during the holidays, especially at Christmastime. Just as in the United States, Christmas is an important holiday in France, and the thought of opening presents brings great excitement. A common way to describe the festive time might be: Comme dans le reste du monde, les Franà §ais se rà ©unissent en famille autour du sapin de Noà «l, et souvent dune petite crà ¨che, et les enfants attendent que le Pà ¨re Noà «l soit passà © pour ouvrir les cadeaux le 25 au matin. This translates as: As in the rest of the world, the French gather around the Christmas tree, and often a little manger, and the children wait for Santa Claus to pass by so they can open presents on the morning of the 25th. Learning to use the verb ouvrir, then, can help open doors to you as you discuss and take part in many French cultural discussions and celebrations.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Humor Depending Upon the Social Norms and Acceptable Standards Essay
Humor Depending Upon the Social Norms and Acceptable Standards - Essay Example Every culture around the world has its own taste of humor depending upon the social norms and acceptable standards o*f morality. Whatever the standards, human beings are naturally inclined towards enjoying humour in matters of daily life. Depending upon the available means of communication, different forms of humour have been developed in human societies. From humorous stories to stage performances, there is a wide variation in the manner by which humorous ideas are communicated. Humour serves the purpose of connecting people in a manner that leaves them satisfied and happy. A novel idea is the creation of pranks to allow strangers to become part of this activity and in doing so create a situation that makes the audience laugh. Vitalyzd is famous for making pranks that engage common bypassers or strangers, and in doing so makes them become part of an activity that is amusing for the viewers. Such pranks are interesting due to the fact that they are performed in real-life scenarios wi th real people who are not expecting themselves to become part of an activity that is recreational for others. Hence, such people perform in a natural manner, speak in a natural way and react to situations in completely natural ways. These natural reactions are reflections of the cultural processes that are norms of that society. The pranks created by vitalized are also reflective of the prevailing cultural trends in society. The pranks can also take into account ongoing events and political or social situations and allow the participants to respond to such events in a natural way, thereby allowing expression of hidden emotions.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Business strategic management report of Ford Company Assignment
Business strategic management report of Ford Company - Assignment Example It has the legacy of providing cost effective cars along with the rapid technological change, proving to be the smartest among its competitors in the industry. Recent developments by Ford include the invasion of electrical cars in enormous amount in to the U.S consumer market. (Gomes, Donnelley & Collis, 2010) reports that the great recession of 2008 affected the automobile sector badly as the sales dropped down tremendously. The big guns in the industry were financially disturbed by the recession as loss reached new paramounts. Till the June of 2009, Ford was the only company left of Detroit’s â€Å"Big Three†which didn’t faced bankruptcy. General Motor and Chrysler were bankrupt and their borrowings from the financial sector increased. Ford was able to survive due to some active decisions made by the financial officer and the operational management team. However Ford faced a loss of $14.7 billion in 2008. The major cause of this downfall was the elimination of stockholders which pushed the company to this tragic fall. This report has examined all the chief causes of the catastrophic scenario prevailed in the automobile sector. What sort of political, economic, social and technological barriers were there in the industry and how companies indulged those? Determining the industry as a whole, what are the opportunities, threats and most important competitors of Ford; how they have challenged company’s repute and what steps should have taken by Ford. Also discussing the core competencies of the company, how do they actively utilize their resources, capabilities and what are its core competencies. Exploratron of the business level strategy; with the corporate level strategy plus making strategic plan of the company for the next five years are the major parts of this research work. PEST Analysis PEST Analysis is a vital tool for analyzing the market position of a firm. Political, economic, societal and technological factors are discusse d for understanding the standing of a company. Applying this tool to Ford presents the following picture: Political Factors: Ford along with other automobile companies was in turmoil due to the bad economic scenario of the country. After the Presidential elections of 2008, Obama Government started operating on January 1st, 2009 and encouraged people to purchase new cars and old ones were scrapped. The enforcement of this order was a beginning of a new sun for the automobile sector as people had to purchase new cars. The old cars were scrapped and this political decision thus really helped Ford too. The first quarter of 2009 brought good news for the company as Ford only had $1.4 billion loss in that tenure. These were promising figures because last year Ford faced mammoth loss of $14.7 billion. Hence the political decision of newly established government was appreciated among the automobile industry (Gomes, Donnelley & Collis, 2010). Economic Factors: Ford was the survivors of bankr uptcy so they had to utilize their finances very carefully. The economic factors suggested that now revival of the economy will start very soon. The Chief Financial officer of Ford estimated that breakeven would be achieved in 2011. The economic and
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